Houseplants That Require Minimal Care

Girls Buzz
4 min readMay 11, 2022


Houseplants can be perfect if you are looking to amp up your home decor game and looking for something to style empty spaces of your house. Houseplants instantly add sophistication and elegance to a space without much effort! They can be an ideal choice for you if you are a beginner or a person with a busy schedule as houseplants require minimal care and are really low maintenance. Just choose the correct spot for them and you are good to go, they can survive upto years! In addition to making a space more stylish, houseplants also have countless health benefits as well! You can choose from a variety of options available in the market.


Here’s a list of 5 Houseplants that require minimal care:

  1. Snake Plant: Snake plant is one of the most common and easiest houseplants. Also known as Mother-in-Law’s Tongue and Viper’s Bowstring Hemp, snake plants are ideal plants for beginners as they require minimal care and a little sunlight and water to survive. In addition to adding beauty to a place, this evergreen and versatile plant purifies the air as well and improves its quality by removing many harmful chemicals. Snake plants are known to filter air by converting carbon dioxide into oxygen even at night which can also help you sleep better. Once you find a perfect spot for snake plants, they are going to live for years. These plants are generally safe and considered mildly toxic if consumed.


2. Aloe Vera: Aloe Vera plant makes for an ideal and attractive houseplant. As beneficial as it is for our hair and skin, it also acts as a great home decor. This plant has green, thick and fleshy leaves that have multiple health benefits. Aloe Vera plant can survive most conditions and requires minimal care. This versatile houseplant requires bright indirect sunlight as exposure to direct sunlight can dry it out. Aloe Vera plants generally require deep watering every 2–3 weeks after the soil dries up. The gel present inside the leaves of this magnificent plant has amazing anti-bacterial properties which can help to treat burns and cuts. It also acts as a base ingredient for many skincare and beauty products.

3. Peace Lily: Peace Lily is yet another stylish and appealing flower bearing houseplant that requires minimal care. It is often associated with purity, peace, prosperity and beauty! The leaves of this attractive plant are blade shaped with tiny white flowers. Perfect for people with busy schedules, Peace Lily can live upto years without requiring direct sunlight and much watering. This beautiful plant is known for purifying the air and absorbing harmful acetone vapours. It can also help you get a good night’s sleep and might reduce stress and promote calmness. By absorbing excess moisture present in the air, Peace Lily houseplant can remove mildew. It also acts as a perfect room freshener as the flowers of this plant emits a pleasant fragrance which lasts for weeks.

4. Money Plant: Money Plant is the one of the most common houseplants in India which can thrive both direct and indirect sunlight! This evergreen plant can grow well in soil and water. Commonly known as Devil’s Ivy, Money Plant is also known to purify air, increase oxygen levels and promote a healthy lifestyle by removing toxic pollutants from the air. One of the very first plants in every household, this houseplant is also popular for reducing stress and anxiety levels by radiating positive energy which also aids in peaceful sleep. As the name suggests, money plants also help in bringing wealth, good fortune, peace and prosperity. The leaves of the money plant are heart shaped and are believed to make your relationships and friendships stronger! It may also help in reducing harmful radiations from the electronic devices.

5. Monstera Deliciosa:Monstera Deliciosa is one of the best houseplants if you are looking to add a little drama to the empty spaces in your house. As the name suggests, Monstera Deliciosa is a unique houseplant with huge leaves which requires the least amount of care and maintenance. It just needs large space to grow and they can live upto many years. Monstera Deliciosa is a fruit bearing plant which is edible once completely ripened. Like other houseplants, this dramatic plant also helps in purifying the air. Monstera is also linked with growth as it is a tall plant and grows constantly. It is also known to reduce stress and anxiety!


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